Questions about starting or running your business? Free consultation

The future of Canadian business is accessible and hassle-free

Starting and running a business is hard and Ribbon is working to make it easier. Ribbon is building an operating system for Canadian businesses, streamlining core administrative services, including legal, tax, finance, and HR. Ribbon aims to make make it more accessible, lower cost and lower stress to run a business in Canada.

Vishal and Nick were inspired to work on Ribbon after both starting businesses and realizing first hand how hard it was. They spoke to other entrepreneurs and realized all entrepreneurs spend a lot of time and money on non-value add administrative tasks, confirming the need for a solution like Ribbon.

Our Team

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Nicholas Wesley-James

Nick uses his background as a Canadian Army Reserve Officer and his professional experience at TD Bank as he leads the business operations at Ribbon. He enjoys teaching dogs new tricks and cooking.

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Vishal Tomar

Vishal leverages his expertise in engineering and quantitative trading as he leads product development at Ribbon. In his free time he enjoys Olympic lifting.

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Senior Accounting Lead

Vishal Malhotra, CPA

Vishal leads accounting and tax operations at Ribbon. His background includes running a cloud accounting practice, process optimization consulting, and corporate accounting. He is a Canadian Army Reservist and practices martial arts.

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Senior Engineer

David Wesley-James

David loves release management and cheerleading. He works hard to keep his dog well fed and entertained.
